Stepping Out…

Stepping Out…

As a friend once said, it was like the universe conspired to make me meet my mate. In Ruth’s story, it was God at work to create a beautiful story of her life as a type and shadow of His love towards us, and this story can still be replicated in our lives if we believe and hold fast to our confession of faith.

However, while it is good to speak God’s word and continually declare, we also have to step out in faith (as the word says faith without works is dead). Ruth took a number of steps at the beginning of Chapter 2 which fully aligned her to the will of God and led her right to her Kinsman redeemer (or in todays speak “Knight in shining armour”).

1) She went out to the field. The field represents her moving out of her comfort zone into an unknown land to find sustenance for herself and Naomi. As a widow, all she had known previously was with Naomi and by stepping out, she was at the mercy of anyone who would let her pick their left overs. But God was bound to ensure her ongoing provision since she had vowed herself to Him. As she stepped out in faith, He worked it out that she happened upon the field that Boaz owned, just at the time he came in from Bethlehem to find her working. As we step out in faith, God is bound by His word to make things happen for us.

2) She declared by faith the future she wanted. She declared she would meet someone and would “find favour” and that seed of faith yielded abundantly above what she would ever have imagined. The exact words she spoke about favour went ahead of her and she found immediate favour with Boaz, despite her reputation as a Moabitess or widow and the challenges that posed to anyone who was interested. He asked her to eat with him and favoured her so much that Ruth had to wonder how she could receive so much favour in one day. From the onset, Boaz treated her differently and set her apart from any other girl.

3) From the point she found Boaz’s field, even before she knew who he was to her, she began to increase. From a handful of barley to a constant flow, her life began to prosper from the time she stepped into her destiny. And more so, when Boaz began to put in place all the necessary structures for her ongoing provision and protection as she worked. Likewise, in this season as we believe God is at work to bless us with our mate, all other aspects of our lives will also blessed with divine abundance.

4) She was wise and submitted to Boaz 
even before he made any proposition. When Boaz suggested that she should not go to another field (in other words don’t look at any other guys), she honored him and didn’t go to test the waters or find out if the grass was greener. She focused on her task within the season knowing it wouldn’t last forever and she only needed to gather as much as she could before the end of the season.

5) She confided in Naomi who gave her sound advise about how to proceed. Naomi represents a spiritual mentor who guides and directs according to Gods plan. Obviously, Naomi was quite surprised at the volume of barley Ruth returned with and imagine her intense delight when Ruth told her the man whose field she “lucked” upon was called Boaz. Ruth had no idea who Boaz was to Naomi, but Naomi knew God was immediately at work and blessed him for it. 

6) She had a good reputation which spoke for her and overshadowed her prior history and didn’t stop her from finding favour from her mate. The work of her hands spoke very clearly that she was a virtuous woman and his eyes were opened to see only those redeeming qualities.

I believe that as we walk in faith and step out, God will lead us in the way we should go. We will be steadfast and our reputation for good will go before us. Our mate will see us and we will find immediate favour in his sight. He will see us clearly above other women as we walk circumspectly in the plan and purposes of God.

In Jesus name.


James 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.


Ruth 2:2-3 Read here
I thank you because the words I speak are power and they are life. You said I shall declare a thing and it shall be established. I thank you for your favour is abundant in my life and as I step out in faith, I declare that my feet are ordered into your perfect will for my life. I declare I will not wander from my place of provision, but I will stand in faith as I carry out your work in this season. I declare I will find my mate’s field and I will not depart from it; I will not look to the left or to the right, but my focus will be steadfast in your word. I will redeem the time and spend time with friends who will build me up in the word and in Gods work. I will gain more clarity in the work God has called me to and work hard to accomplish all He has said I should.

Ruth 2:11 Read here
I pray that my reputation for goodness will go before me. I decree my mate will see only good in me and lovingly accept all my shortcomings as he encourages me to become a better person. I decree that as we meet, you will cover us with your oil of gladness and your favour will be upon us as we relate to each other in love. I decree that he will find me in the right place, doing the work of God and I will find favour in his sight. I declare that he will set me apart from anyone else and begin to see me as a virtuous woman. He will be drawn to me as your favour covers me and you will reveal to him who I am in Christ. As he speaks to me in love, I will honor his word and submit to him. In Jesus name.

Ruth 2:8 Read here
Father, I pray for wisdom to conduct myself in a way that honors you. Regardless of my past, I declare that I will set myself apart to you. As I wait in this season, I will commit myself to living a life that glorifies you, I will not be moved by vain word or attention from potential suitors, and I will not wander away from the path you have set, but you will strengthen me to judge all things and flee every appearance of evil. Work in me to say no to every sinful desire or lust and guide me away from every situation that can easily cause me to fall.

Ruth 2:22-23 Read here
Dear Lord, I ask that you surround me with sound friends and mentors who will guide me and encourage me with godly advice. As iron sharpens iron, they will challenge me to develop spiritual muscle and will cover me in prayer. I decree that as I continue to declare your word and step out in faith, I will begin to see your power at work in every area of my life. You will begin to align things around me which will point towards the direction you have for me. I declare that you will send people to me who will confirm your word in my life and speak prophetic words of faith according to your will for me.

Ruth 2:17-19 Read here
I thank you for your goodness and mercy and for your divine provision in my life. I decree that seed time and harvest will not cease in my life but you will continually increase me. I decree in this season there shall be an abundance of wealth, wisdom, and understanding which will bear much fruit. I will flourish in the land I live and your glory will shine brighter and brighter in me. 

In Jesus Name. Amen


Weekly message

This week Bob Hoekstra teaches us about how 2 can become 1. Enjoy…

Listen here

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