So, let’s now turn our focus to our Boaz. Who is he? What will he look like? Who will he be? The word clearly says “For who knows the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ“. God will indeed indicate who you should marry through His Word and certainly through circumstances.
The bible seems to suggest that God usually places the person within our circle or close to friends and relatives. Another indication is the role he will play in your life; Boaz fulfilled some specific needs in Ruth’s life and God helped her to recognize that he was her ‘Mr Right’ given her background and experiences. Likewise, we need to critically seek God about what we really need in a mate (forget for a moment about the superficial) but really what are your experiences, weaknesses and strengths, and how do the male friends around you seem to complement you? What are the circumstances around how you met them? What is the Spirit saying in your heart through prophecy and/or through mentors around you?
We also need to continually decree Boaz-like qualities into our future mates. We cannot leave it to chance to determine whether he will be kind, wealthy, loving or giving? The Word is there to declare that your Boaz will meet your needs and you will find fulfillment in him (Is 34:16).
Yet, as we pray, let us keep in mind that no one is perfect and while our Boaz may be lacking in some areas, God will give us the grace to really love him and believe the best for him. He will also give us the patience to endure his weaknesses.
Specific Prayers for your Boaz.
Pray for his prosperity & business: Paramount on every man’s mind is his finances. A good scripture to declare is Gen 26:12. Boaz, like Isaac, had not left Bethlehem during the time of famine but sowed in the land and prospered. He was able to meet the needs of not just Ruth, but also Naomi. Pray that in this year, God will give your Boaz tremendous insight in his business or job that will radically transform his finances and cause a promotion. Read this article for deep insight into this scripture.
Pray for his obedience to the Word. Boaz was obedient to the law of Moses and it directed his actions. In Deut. 24:19, Boaz obeyed the word and provided for widows and his obedience led him directly to his future mate. Decree that as your future mate seeks and obeys God’s word, the Holy Spirit will also lead him to you. His decisions will be guided by the word and will lead you both into your purposes and into the perfect will of God.
Pray for his character. From the way he greeted his workers and their response, he was obviously a man of Godly character. Boaz was overly generous, kind, and hospitable. Even in the way he chatted with his employees, it was obvious that the spiritual was intertwined with his business and his day-to-day living.
Pray for his heart and sensitivity to you. Boaz really favoured Ruth; he treated her perfectly from day 1. Boaz gave instructions that went over and beyond what the law required. Pray that your Boaz will always be sensitive towards your needs, so that your daily testimony will be “Why do you show me so much favour?”
Pray for his leadership/ headship. Decree that your mate will have the spirit of excellence and leadership. Boaz was know at the city gates, he was a very astute businessman and obviously had a certain maturity and sense of responsibility that Ruth could easily submit to. Pray for these qualities in your mate and that this dynamic will be present in your relationship with your Boaz.
Psalm 34:16 Seek out of the book of the Lord and read: not one of these [details of prophecy] shall fail, none shall want and lack her mate [in fulfillment]. For the mouth [of the Lord] has commanded, and His Spirit has gathered them.
Read Ruth 2
Lord, I ask for your remembrance at this time that I will no longer lack my mate in fulfillment but I decree your word that your Holy Spirit through circumstances will bring me to my mate. I decree he will step into the role God has prepared for him to play in my life and he will find favour as you bless him and provide enough for him to be able to provide bountifully for me.
Read Genesis 26:12-14
I decree by faith that my mate will see an increase in his life and finances this year. That as Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundred fold in the same year, I decree this same anointing upon my mates life. That this is the acceptable year of the Lord in his life and he will receive your wisdom for witty inventions within his area of business. I confess that he will become exceedingly wealthy and receive your divine promotion at his work place. I decree that you will bless him with good insight and he will find favour with you and men. I decree that wealth and riches will be abundant in our home and we will be abundantly prosperous. ( In Jesus name).
Read Proverbs 31:23
Lord, I pray for Godly character for my mate, I decree he will exhibit the fruits of the Spirit in his daily living, he will be faithful, loving and kind. I pray for sincerity and purity of heart. I decree your word in proverbs 31 that my mate will take his place at the citygate, a place of leadership, he will be well respected by his peers. I decree that because of his diligence in his work, he will not stand before mere men but he will abide with kings and rulers.
Read Psalm 112
I decree my mate will not depart from your presence, but he will dwell in your courts, he will abide in you and obey your word. Your word will guide his path and lead him to me, and nothing will separate us from your love. I decree that I will easily submit to him in love and we will complement each other in your work and in our marriage. I decree our children will be mighty in the land and we will be blessed. I decree wealth and riches will be in our houses and our righteousness will endure forever. I decree that there will be a mutual love and acceptance of each other and we will both have the capacity to provide spiritually, emotionally and physically for each other.
In Jesus name
Weekly message
This week Creflo Dollarteaches us about the Responsibilities of Husbands. Enjoy…