It may come as a surprise to you that God seems to do his best work at night. Yes, he’s the father of light in whom there is no darkness or variableness, but for some reason, looking through the scriptures, you notice a trend that God loves to work when its dark, so that by the morning, the delivered can say “when the Lord turned round the captivity of zion we were like them that dreamed!”.
Cases in point:
Exodus 13: Children of Israel have been in captivity in Egypt for so long they have no idea if God’s word is even possible again. However, in one night, God tells them to get ready because the time of deliverance is here. Yesterday, they were slaves, bound and tormented, God worked that night, today, they are suddenly free and rich.
2 Kings 6-7: Children of Israel (again!) are at the brink of death. Yesterday, things were really bad, people are literally eating their kids to survive and the King is so confused as he has no control over the siege upon his land. God works at night again, and Today, everything miraculously turns around in the most unlikely way. All of a sudden, food is in abundance, life is back to normal, its like nothing ever happened.
Esther 6: Esther and her entire race are doomed and the plot against them is thickening. It is so bad that Mordecai, her uncle, has no idea he is about to be the firstfruit of this baptism of fire by being hanged that very morning. That night, God stirs the heart of the king. Yesterday, Mordecai was a dead man, today, he is remembered by the king and given the highest honor in the land and clothed in royalty.
I could go on and on, where God suddenly shows up and the situation changes from one extreme to the other. No doubt, the night is quiet, dark, unrevealing, you can’t really see what is going on or if at all anything is happening. Going back to Ruth while she was at the threshing floor, it was dark, night and still as she lay waiting at Boaz’s feet till midnight for him to wake up; but when he did, everything changed. Yesterday, she was Miss Ruth. Today, the man she works for and “kind of knows” is doing all he can to make her his wife.. Today!
At the threshing floor…In Deut 16:13-17, the word says “after all the harvest is gathered from the threshing floor, for seven days you should celebrate the Feast to the Lord your God at the place the Lord will choose. For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete”.
The threshing floor is a place of separation and purification during the time of our preparation and we need to stay there calmly, praising God in thanksgiving. Though it may be dark and quiet, be assured that God is in the background working all things together for our good, and in a little while, He will reward our faithfulness and patience. The threshing floor is also the place of provision, it is exactly where God has ordained the Bride and Bridegroom will meet and recognize each another.
So where is this threshing floor? It is only in one place, at the feet of the Master, in worship and surrender as you wait for your deliverance. Tonight stay at the threshing floor at your redeemer’s feet, in a place of thanksgiving and worship and before you know it, the morning will be here “and your joy will be complete”.
In Jesus name.
Psalm 30:5b ..Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
Read Ruth 3:1
Lord, I thank you for your promises and for guiding me to the threshing floor where you have made provision for mate. I thank you for in the still quiet, i hear your voice. You are my comforter, my saviour and my husband in this season. I wait on you Lord, I worship you in your majesty and I bow at your feet in awesome wonder. I pour out myself like oil and I lay at your feet broken before you. Lord, make me, mould me and use me for your perfect will. I will trust you always, because your way and path for my life is perfect.
Read Esther 6:1
I thank you for this season of my remembrance, that you will do a mighty thing tonight. You will cause those instrumental in my life to remember me for good; I decree that my name will be spoken in honor and your revelation power will be at work to orchestrate my favour. This is the appointed time, and the set time for you to favour me in marriage and declare it and lay hold of your word and decree that You will set me in my own family in this season. In Jesus name.
Read 2 Kings 6-7
Lord, I come against every word spoken against me or every word of doubt that wants to hinder your move in my life. I decree that by this time tomorrow, you will work out a wonderful miracle in my life. I will not miss it, but I will see it before me in Jesus name. I pray for your divine revelation that I will see what you are doing in my life, I will recognise it and I will receive it.
Read Psalm 30:5b
I thank you Lord, that though weeping endures during the night, i believe my day is here and you are at work, I will rejoice in you and be glad. I will walk as one who has been restored fully in her marriage. I thank you for preparing me and training me in character so that I can walk in the fruit of the spirit. I pray that I will be patient, good, kind and humble in my relationship. I look to the future and decree joy unspeakable, and satisfaction in my marriage. I decree there will be an abundance of love in our marriage. You will give us strength in our union that will overcome every single obstacle we encounter.
In Jesus name.
Weekly message
This week Steve Greggteaches part 2 of how to acquire a mate in a radically christian counterculture. Enjoy…
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