Songs of Solomon 2:7 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the does of the field, do not stir up or awaken love until the time is due.
I will bless you, Oh Lord, because you are good and your mercies endures forever. I praise you Lord for what you are doing in my life and appreciate your mercies and your steadfast love, which is renewed daily in my life. I sincerely ask for you, Holy Spirit, to become more real to me, I do not want to follow my own desires, but I lean on you for guidance in every area of my life, especially regarding the choice of who to marry.
I ask that you help me not to awaken love until it is due, that I will not chase or embrace vain affections or find myself unequally yoked to someone I should not be with. Help me to resist every temptation and make a way of escape from every trial. I ask that you help me to keep my body holy, in sanctification and honor and not in passionate lusts. Help me to guide my passions in the right direction and to only have a desire for what pleases you. Lead me to people that will build me up in you, and to friends that encourage me to do your will that I can also be accountable towards.
I pray for godly desires, and to keep myself blameless, whole, and acceptable to you. Lord, I ask that you build me up in areas of weakness and guide me with your word, so I can receive revelation that will make me free from every bondage in my life. I cast down every stronghold and declare Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I speak unto every mountain of opposition in my life, and declare to these mountains, “be though removed you mountain of ……. and be cast into the sea. In Jesus name.
I pray that at the appointed time, like Eve, you will awaken my affections and desires towards the man you have created me for. Our love will mature daily like fine wine and we will build a solid marriage founded on your word. My passions will be satisfied in him alone and you will grant him the grace to only desire me, his wife. I pray that you strengthen him to keep people around him that will instruct him in the faith, and to whom he will be accountable. Build up his inner man to resist every temptation due to his own lusts or the snare of the enemy.
I decree our marriage bed will not be defiled in thought or in deed, but you will work in us to keep ourselves pure in every way. In areas where we make mistakes, give us the grace to forgive each other and heal our hurts. Cover us with your hedge of protection and the blood of Jesus to keep us safely within your will. I submit our marriage to you; by your grace, we will guard our affections and flee every appearance of evil. Our marriage will be based fully on your word and will yield fruits of love, trust, sincerity and purity.
Build us up in your agape love.
In Jesus name. Amen.