DAY 13: Inner Beauty

DAY 13: Inner Beauty

1st Peter 3:4 Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They trusted God and accepted the authority of their husbands.


Dear Lord, when I consider your lovingkindness in my life, I am so grateful. I know that you make all things beautiful in your own time and so I submit my life, thoughts, desires and needs to you. Lord, I want to be in the center of your will where you cause lines to fall for me in pleasant places and my heritage is beautiful. I pray for understanding and revelation, so I know how to walk according to your plan for my life. I also pray you give me patience to wait for your divine timetable and not hastily move or miss any of my opportunities.

I ask Lord that you work in me to develop the right character and spirit; that you help me to develop that beauty that comes from within and not just to focus on physical and material things. Work in me to be more like you and to have that lasting inner beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to you. Lord, I desire a clean heart and a right spirit and I ask that you work in me to develop all the necessary traits of a godly person and wife. I thank you for helping me to focus on your word, and no longer be blinded by the cares of this world.

I bring all my ways before you and ask for mercy and grace to cast aside all weaknesses and everything in my life that does not please you. I ask for your redeeming and restorative power on my life to restore everything that the enemy has taken, my pride, inner confidence, sound mind, wholeness of heart. I declare that these will be restored back manifold in my life. I decree that I will not take any spirit of doubt, unbelief, defensive and detached attitudes into my relationship, but I will only bring wholeness, life, joy, goodness, comfort, wisdom and love. My character will be moulded by your word and I will have the inner strength to do only what pleases you in my relationship.

By faith, I decree the same for my future mate, that you mould him to become a man of good character, kind hearted who only seeks to please you. Lord, I ask that you reveal any offensive way in us, and lead us in your way everlasting. Shine your light into in our lives and work in us to deal with any hidden sins and offenses in our heart that will cause a stumbling block in our walk with you. I decree that my future husband and I will walk in love, and develop godly character traits by your Holy Spirit. I pray that through your word you will teach us to become more like Christ; teach me how to honor his authority; that I will not be moved by outward appearances, but I will look inwards to his heart and trust the Holy Spirit to guide me in truth. Teach him also how to love me selflessly like Christ loves the church. I decree our relationship will be one of love, joy and pleasures forevermore because you have promised this in your word.

In Jesus name. Amen.


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