Aborted Destiny

Aborted Destiny

We started with the beginning of Ruth and how she represents a type of Barley bride, but before we continue, lets consider her running mate Orpah.
I personally feel Orpah gets unfairly criticized. Yes, she left at such a crucial moment and missed out on a glorious future but consider her actions prior. Despite all she had been through, when the call of duty came, she supported Naomi in her decision to return to her homeland. Orpah rose to the challenge and embarked on the journey back to Bethlehem, an unknown land. She even initially vehemently resisted Naomi’s attempt to send her back. It was only after Naomi’s strong and impassioned message of doom that she decided to take a different course of action.  
However, who in the face of Naomi’s damning message wouldn’t have? Consider Naomi’s plea, she painted such a bleak picture of the future and even claimed the hand of God was against her. Given all they had been through, this was not hard to believe. More so, she gave them her blessings to go back, meet men and hopefully remarry. In other words, the message was “save yourself!”
Without a conviction to persevere, Orpah did what any normal person would. She relied on the voice of someone she trusted and respected, and departed on good terms with Naomi’s blessings. Orpah was on a divine path, heading to her place of provision, her barley harvest, but she never made it. We often make these “sensible” choices which lead to us missing out on God’s best. The prayer this week is that God should give us a strong sense of our purpose and destiny, so that when faced with a tough and bleak outlook, we will have the strength to forge ahead despite what we are hearing, seeing or feeling. 

Clearly, the theme here is, we cannot continue to do the same (or normal) things and expect different results (apparently, this is insanity?); to get anything divine, we need to go well beyond what we would normally do in our everyday lives. Ruth could not have known the exact time she needed to go above and beyond to inherit God’s promise. No, she was obviously in the habit of doing it and received a grace that aligned her to her destiny.
Something within gave her the conviction that her future and destiny lay in abiding with Naomi and committing herself to Naomi’s God. We need to pray for the same unique grace and conviction that will govern our actions and call us to a higher, God-driven purpose than just our selfish needs. This will ultimately align us with the right people (most especially our mates) and align us to our divine destiny. 

So, back to Orpah; we don’t know what became of her, maybe she went back home, remarried and lived happily ever after or maybe she died alone. But, what we do know is her name isn’t one of the books of the bible with a heritage leading up to the Messiah. Wow, that’s way above what anyone would have ever imagined for making the decision to stay.

God has made definite promises towards us, we have prayed, declared and received them. We are certainly on the path to our divine destinies. So, continue in faith, determined to stay with God no matter what and by His grace we will receive our glorious inheritance.
In Jesus Name!


Heb 6:11-12 We desire that you continue to be diligent to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Heb 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him


Ruth 1: 12-14 Read here
Lord, I pray for your divine grace to persevere in every circumstance and the strength to take by force every single promise you have purposed I should receive. Your word says the kingdom of God suffers violence and only the violent take it by force. By your power and authority, I decree that I will not miss or turn back from your path for my life, neither will I miss out on my divine blessing, but I will walk in your perfect will. I come against every spiritual force, cast down every opposing voice, and I resist every attempt to derail or dissuade me from the path of righteousness. I set my face like a flint and walk in the specific path of provision you have set for me and I walk in my season of your divine favour. I receive my blessed inheritance of a prosperous and fruitful marriage, and by faith I call forth and receive every blessing God has for me. 

Ruth 1:15-17 Read here
Lord, I pray for your wisdom and understanding in every situation I find myself. I receive your special grace to attain the supernatural; that I will go above and beyond the ordinary to the glory of your name. I pray for your special grace to walk in love and excel in everything I lay my hands to do. Give me a conviction and passion for the special calling you have placed on my life; that my actions will be aligned with your direction and perfect will; and that my commitment to you will grow deeper and stronger. Lord, look within and reveal to me everything that does not glorify you or will cause me to fail. I ask for the Holy Spirit to work within me through the word to renew my mind and overcome every issue (or sin) I am struggling with.

John 14: 26 Read here
Lord, I pray for a deeper revelation of your will for my life. Holy Spirit, teach me to grow even closer to you so that I will understand how to live life in the Spirit. Holy Spirit minister to me; help me to think, reason, speak and obey your word. Align me spiritually, so that I will forge bonds and walk with people who will help me along the right path in life to achieve all your plans and purposes. I thank you because I begin to see your divine alignment and favour at work in my life to bring me to my mate (of purpose), my godly children, a blessed marriage and a glorious inheritance for the future. 

I thank you because as I continue to declare your word, my belief and conviction in your word is made stronger and stronger.

In Jesus Name.


Weekly message

This week Creflo Dollar teaches us about our responsibilities as WiVES. Enjoy…

Listen here

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