Keep Lust Out…

Keep Lust Out…

Finally! After all the prayers, confessions, preparation, God provides your Mr. Right. You are now at the end of what has been a long, sometimes dark, tunnel and the glimmer of light is shining really brightly. For Ruth, the waiting and anticipation has all paid off and she is finally at the point where Boaz has recognised her (never mind that she indirectly proposed but that’s another story altogether). He’s blessed her for choosing him, technically, they have spoken words of betrothal to each other and are on the path to marriage. This is the stage where the bible warns us to take serious heed if we think we’re standing because we just might fall.

For those of us who have been waiting patiently to receive God’s promise of a mate, this is where the enemy pitches his camp waiting to unleash his favourite WMD (weapon of mass destruction), that is, the almighty weapon of sex before marriage. The bible promises us that the devil goes about like a roaring lion looking for people to devour and this is where he lays his trap, because he knows that if he can get through this crack, then he has gained a foothold into our future, our marriages and destinies. He knows that God has prepared for us a great inheritance in our marriages and his plan is to steal, kill and destroy everything God has for us. With sex before marriage, sometimes the consequences are immediate, but even worse they can be lasting and spiritual, such that, this unassuming seed sown before the marriage can bear very undesirable fruits within the marriage.

The great thing about God is he arms us before battle and prepares us. The bible clearly says how in Romans 13:12  So, this is the time in your relationship to cover yourself in the light of God’s word, clothe yourselves fully in Christ and walk in the light to ensure you do not yield to the temptations of the flesh and this is exactly what Boaz did when he woke up to face the temptation of Ruth lying vulnerably at his feet.

Who would expect Boaz to have godly thoughts at that time of the night? But his integrity shone through, he put aside any lustful thought and only spoke of her as a woman of integrity and then wisely considered what they should do to protect themselves and bring their relationship to light. LIKEWISE, it is important to immediately bring light into your relationship and keep out from any shroud of secrecy because this is where temptations thrive. After all, he could have thought “what happens on the threshing floor stays on the threshing floor” but Boaz did what was honourable that night to protect his future bride. This is what we need to be praying for in our future mates; MEN that put God first and swear to their own hurt to do only what is right and honorable.

Boaz could not dishonor God’s word, just like Joseph said to Potiphar’s wife in Gen 39:9-10; a man of character is compelled by his relationship with God to do what is right in the sight of God. It is obvious Boaz wanted to be with Ruth, but he was willing to risk it all to ensure he did it the right way.  His intention was right, but he also realised that he could jeopardise everything for himself and Ruth if he didn’t follow the right process. His purpose outweighed his love or passion for Ruth, his maturity allowed him the discipline to delay his immediate gratification and his integrity allowed ensured he did what was right to take Ruth as his wife. The other kinsman redeemer in Ruth 4 had to be consulted first to ensure he denounced his right to Ruth; and Boaz had to publicly declare his intentions to the elders, as his witness. What we learn here is a good template for courtship.

This process guarantees everyone is protected and if for whatever reason anything fails in this process, then you have at least upheld each other and can go back to God to ask for direction with a clean and pure heart. Consider if Boaz and Ruth had given into lust in the cover of the night, the possibilities are endless and most probably don’t end well. Even if they got away with it physically, who knows what spiritual promises would have been destroyed or what they could have attracted into their future union that would become a constant battle or hindrance.

Undoubtedly, a major consequence of sex before marriage is the idea that whatever challenges you face in your marriage will always secretly be attributed to this single act of wilful disobedience. This is what the enemy will hold over your thoughts to undermine your ability to fight the good fight for the fear that ‘we brought this upon ourselves’. There is a confidence in marriage that comes from having waited in purity and a mutual respect and pride in each other that you honoured God and upheld His name in your union and that is well worth it above any moment of ecstasy.

Setting boundaries, being open and always keeping the right focus and purpose of your relationship will keep you protected against the temptation. We need to determine from now to take on the mantle that God has given us and keep our passions until the very end so that at our wedding night (if we don’t fall asleep from exhaustion), we can at least know within that we did it God’s way.


1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister.The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7
Lord, I thank you for the grace you have given me through your Son Jesus Christ, and for the strength to live a holy life in purity and honor to your name. I bring my relationship to you Lord and ask for your divine power to strengthen us and guard us against sexual immorality. Lord, I acknowledge our weaknesses in the flesh, but boldly declare that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I declare we will conduct our relationship in holiness and purity and we will not yield to any temptations. We will flee every appearance of evil and cloth ourselves and our relationship in Christ alone. I declare we will set our faces like the flint and we will be like mount Zion that can never be moved. I speak against every spirit of lust, seduction and uncontrolled desire and declare they will have no place in my relationship. In Jesus name.

Read Psalm 15:2-4
Lord, I thank you for my future husband and mate, for giving him a heart that seeks you. I thank you for the deep and sincere love you have placed within him for me and I give you praise for it is beautiful. I pray that you work in him to become more and more blameless,  that you will give him wisdom to always speak the truth and swear to his own hurt to do what is right. I pray that we will be constrained by your love and make a vow to our bodies to honor you in our union. Holy Spirit, I ask that you help us to guard our affections in love, that we will honor each other and be fully dedicated to protect our feelings, emotions as we will walk together in your three fold cord which cannot be broken. Lord, I ask that you strengthen us against any wiles of the enemy and will give us a greater purpose which will overshadow us and overwhelm us so that our passions will be fully placed in you. In Jesus name.

Read Ruth 3:11-14
I pray that you work in us to develop godly fruits of patience, temperance, self control and goodness. We will only think on things that are pure, holy, noble and good. We will develop each other as iron sharpens iron and we will strengthen each other in your word. I declare our relationship will be full of integrity, honor, love, and controlled passion. I declare we will walk in your purpose for our lives together and we will be focused only on Christ. As we prepare to take our relationship to the next stage, I pray for wisdom to do things according to your will. That you will instruct us and direct us in the way we should go and we will follow the right process which will bring glory to you. I pray for maturity that as we prepare ourselves for marriage that you will send us godly counsellors who will instruct us in the way we should go, give us a teachable spirit that we will seek knowledge and understanding of how marriage really works. Help us to plan and prepare for a successful marriage according to your word. In Jesus name.

I dedicate myself and my future mate to you. In jesus name.


Weekly message

This week Jimmy Evansteaches the 2nd in the series “The secret of Paradise”. A must listen…Enjoy…

Listen here


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