DAY 9: Love is…

DAY 9: Love is…

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!


Dear Lord, I thank you for the expression of Love, that makes life have real meaning. I commit myself to you today and pray for an increased ability to love the way you do, that my character will be more and more filled with your love. Father, I pray for revelation in your word to renew my mind about what love really means and how to express that love in a way that glorifies you. Teach me how to love in every circumstance I find myself; teach me to understand that your love is sufficient for me, so that I will not seek it in wrong places. I pray for the grace to wait patiently as you work out your plan for my life.

Lord, I thank you for happiness, satisfaction, love and joy in my future marriage. I ask that you expose every unrealistic ideal I have about love and marriage, and begin to prepare me and teach me how to express love: emotionally, physically and spiritually to my future mate and family. Help me to understand how to love sacrificially day by day the way you do. Give me the patience required to make a loving and stable home.

I decree that my future husband and I will love each other the way Christ loved the church. We will always relate to each other in love, no matter what the life brings and we will have an ever-increasing capacity to love each other by your grace. We will be patience and kind, not jealous or boastful, not rude or hurtful, but rather we will be hopeful, faithful and able to endure through anything. I pray that despite our flaws, we will have the temperance, patience and understanding to be able to care and teach each other in love. We will be filled with the God kind of love that helps us to cover a multitude of sins and keeps no record of wrong. We will see things how God sees it and will always forgive each other in love.

Holy Spirit, work in us to reject a proud spirit, but embrace humility. I pray for special wisdom that our words will always be spoken in love and in a way that edifies, rather than causes strife. Teach us to know when to admonish in love and when to love in silence. I pray our home will be filled with your love and we will actively express that love to people around us. I pray that our children will be brought up in a way that demonstrates the importance of love, and the right kind of love. I decree in my family, we will uphold each other in love.

I declare that faith, hope, joy, sincerity and intimacy will be abundant in my marriage, and my marriage will last forever as a result of God’s ever present love in my home.

In Jesus name. Amen.


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