Gen 2: 21-23 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”
Dear Lord, I thank you for bringing me to my husband of promise, whom I have been made from. Lord, help me to hear your voice when you speak, I pray for a deeper revelation of what you want me to consider when choosing someone to marry. I pray that you work in me to will and to do your good pleasure and that my heart will incline its ear to hear, receive and obey every instruction you give.
Holy Spirit, I lean on you, because you know my end from my beginning and you know tomorrow. I ask for the wisdom to discern what is right and true, and for the wisdom to choose the right person according to your plans for my life. Your word says whoever sows to the flesh will reap corruption; Lord, close up my flesh and help me to put to death all its deeds. I declare that I will not lean on my own understanding and choose according to the flesh, but rather, I will choose according to your Holy Spirit and reap life and life everlasting. I decree in my future relationship and marriage, we will sow seeds in the Spirit and reap love, faithfulness, godliness, blessings and favour.
Lord, I yield myself to you as a clay to its potter, because I know your plans and purposes for my life are good and will lead to an expected end. You know me and know who is the best match for me. Lead me to my husband by your Holy Spirit and become the foundation of our union. Help me to submit to your direction and give me the unction in my heart to know and recognize him. I ask that you awaken the desire in me to love and cherish him when I see him. By your Spirit, my husband will declare upon me the blessing of marriage and prophesy I am the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. I will receive that word and become the fulfillment of your promise to him to bring him companionship, intimacy and love.
I decree that I will complement him completely and we will encourage each other, confide in each other and share our deepest desires and needs. Like iron sharpens iron, we will work together to develop our gifts and talents and we will fully express the best of our potential. We will achieve everything we have been called to do by your power that works in us and we will receive every provision necessary to ensure the fulfillment of your promises. I declare from it’s foundation our relationship will be bound in love to make it a three-fold cord bound together, unbreakable and strengthened by your Holy Spirit.
I declare I will choose the right man according to your plans and purposes for my life.
In Jesus name. Amen.