Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hastens toward the end, and will not fail: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay
Father Lord, I thank you for your word is my life. It brings light; it is alive and powerful and accomplishes all it sets out to do. I daily seek your face through your word and I pray for deeper revelation by your Spirit. I yearn for a deeper relationship with you and want you to draw nearer to me as I draw near to you. I know you love me and you care for me as your daughter in Christ, Father protect me, keep me safe in your love and make me whole.
Father, you said you would not withhold any good thing from me, and if I ask anything in your name, you would answer. I believe I receive what I ask for according to your word and I do not doubt in my heart. I do not stagger in unbelief, but I give glory to you always. Despite how I feel, what I hear, or see, I will not cast away my confidence, because I believe your word is settled in heaven and he who is coming, will come and will not tarry in Jesus name. I declare my husband will not tarry, and the vision will not tarry. In Jesus name. I will see the manifestation of this word in my life in this season.
Holy spirit, I declare your anointing and favour on my life to join me to my mate. I declare this is my season for marriage and all delays in my life are now over. I declare over my life and destiny, that this is the set time for God to favor me with the blessing of marriage, and I will bear my fruit in this season. Where I have previously sown in tears, I will now begin to reap in joy. I declare this is my appointed time and in this season, I will begin to yield the fruit of marriage and children.
I ask that you to work in me to desire your will for my life, and that you send to me that one person you know is suitable and to whom I am a helpmeet. Holy Spirit, give me wisdom and direction, order my footsteps to meet my husband. Just as you orchestrated Rebecca to be brought to Isaac, I decree that divine orchestration is at work in my life in this season. I pray for your divine alignment, that my life will be set in the path you have purposed and I will be brought to my mate. In Jesus name.
By your Holy Spirit in me, I declare my name is Beulah, which means married. I declare again this vision will not tarry: my voice will be heard as a bride; and my bridegroom and I will declare “Give praise to the Lord of hosts for He is good and His mercy endures forever”. I declare my marriage will be built on the solid foundation of your word and we will have a lasting love bound together by your Spirit.
In Jesus name. Amen