DAY 17: I Will Increase

DAY 17: I Will Increase

Gen 17: 1b,2: I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.

 Dear Lord, I thank you today for your grace and mercy towards me. I thank you for delivering me from the miry clay of life and placing me on the solid rock to live a life more abundant in you. I am so amazed at your love towards me and I commit myself to daily live in obedience to you, and glorify you in all I do. I pray for the strength to present my body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable, which is my reasonable service to you. By grace, I will walk blameless and will be upright in all I do.

I thank you for all your promises are in Christ, yes and amen. I thank you for your covenant of increase in my life and I lay hold of your promise to multiply me exceedingly. I claim your promise to bless me and enlarge my coast, and that your mighty hand will be with me to keep me from evil. You said you would sustain me and cause me to inherit the land, and even in days of famine, I will have abundance. I pray for this anointing of increase in every aspect of my life, and for providing the seed to sow, which will bring forth 30, 60, and 100 fold returns in my life. I decree that your power to increase will begin to manifest in me and  you will establish me in a place where I will be fruitful and multiply exceedingly.

Your word that says I should enlarge the place of my tent, and stretch out the curtains of my dwelling and I shall expand to the right and to the left. Lord, I know faith without works is dead, and so I ask for your strength, counsel and wisdom to step out in faith, and put action to every word you will reveal to me. Show me specific areas in my life where I can enlarge my tent and reveal to me how to stretch out the curtains of my dwellings as a sign of my faith in your word. 

I declare upon my life and marriage, a future of abundance, uncommon favour and blessing. I claim your word that by your strength, one will chase a thousand but two will put ten thousand to flight. I declare this multiplicative anointing of increase on my life and on my future mate whom I will fulfill this promise with. I declare that in my marriage, we will be fruitful and we will multiply, we will diligently seek to advance your kingdom and you will bless us abundantly. I declare we will increase and we will yield exceeding and abundant fruit according to your word. 

I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us into your perfect will where your favour, provision and increase will be made more and more abundant to us.

In Jesus name. Amen.


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