Ruth. Pretty much sums up the ideal scenario of a barley bride and is a sure sign that this is the season in which God is looking to reward women diligently seeking God’s face for their marriages. Ruth also means companion/friend which she very valiantly showed in making such a strong declaration to Naomi and her God. This was after having been through such a tough time with her mother and sister in law, losing their husbands and source of livelihood, and yet in her despair, she made a commitment and a vow to follow God wherever He led, even until her end. It says at the end of chapter 1 that she and Naomi returned to Bethlehem at the start of the barley season (March/April). Barley represents the firstfruits of the first harvest season which runs from March/April till end of June.
As it turns out, God divinely placed her in Boaz’s field, of all the fields in all the world and she had to walk into his (yes..Casablanca pun:) but seriously, God divinely orchestrated that she ended up exactly in her future kinsman redeemer’s field in that season.
Over the next few weeks, we will be praying and declaring the hidden gems within Ruth (there are many!) and praying over our lives in this season. God is faithful and our expectations will not be cut short. Cut to the end of Chapter 2-3, it says at the end of the barley and wheat season, she prepared herself (on Naomi’s advise) and went to see Boaz who was on the field threshing (this means something too) and did according as she was told.
Boaz did right by her and basically made a commitment to her (subject to the customs and traditions). The end of the wheat and barley season was June. SO! within 3 months, the poor, widow, moabitess Ruth was safely within her husband home (and no ordinary husband too!) and her entire destiny and heritage was changed. How much more us daughters of God, the firstfruits after Christ.
I believe that as we declare God’s word in this area of our lives, we will be the firstfruits of this season’s harvest of marriages. I believe there is an anointing in this season and I encourage you to claim the heritage and divine destiny of the Barley Bride, Ruth and to declare that within 3 months, according to your faith, God will move specifically in this area of your lives. In Jesus Name.
Rom 13:11 And that knowing the season; that it is now the hour for us to rise from sleep. For now our salvation is nearer than when we believed.
Ruth 1: 6 Read here
Lord, I pray for your divine revelation to guide me to where I should be in this season. If there is any area of my life I need to make a change to move into your perfect will, I pray for the eyes to see and ears to hear you clearly and to do according to your good and perfect will. I declare you will move be into a place of divine provision and every area of lack will be filled with your abundance. Holy Spirit, order my footsteps and re- align my path to one in line with your perfect and best will for my life. In Jesus name.
Ruth 1:16 Read here
Lord, I pray for perseverance through every difficulty in my life. I declare your Holy Spirit will guide me to a place of comfort, where I will overcome by your strength. I declare with my soul, mind and heart and vow to follow you wherever you guide me. I decree your word of truth over my life and circumstance and I declare I will go wherever you tell me to and live wherever you have purposed. I commit my life anew to follow you all the days of my life and please you in all I do. Holy Spirit I pray for your wisdom and strength of mind to declare your word whenever I am faced with negative and discenting voices. I declare I will be steadfast and honor those around me whom you have sent to guide me into your perfect will. In Jesus name.
Ruth 1: 22 Read here
Lord, I pray for your favour in this season. As I enter into the barley season of my life, I know you have restored all to me, you will make me to lie down in green pastures and you will lead me into your peace. I declare in this season you will divinely place me in the path of righteousness in which I will meet my mate; You will annoint me with the oil of gladness and favour and goodness and mercy will be my guide all the days of my life. I declare this is the set time for me to find your divine favour in marriage and every aspect of my life. In Jesus name.