Day 1 My Divine promise (coming soon)
by Lily Hunter

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30 days prayers archive
Wake Up, Boaz
Wake Up, Boaz

Until now, we’ve focused mainly on Ruth’s perspective in all of this, however, Boaz was also waiting for his mate. So, what was he doing? Was he daily praying earnestly? Was

Keep Lust Out…
Keep Lust Out…

Finally! After all the prayers, confessions, preparation, God provides your Mr. Right. You are now at the end of what has been a long, sometimes dark, tunnel and the glimmer

It’s Not About You…
It’s Not About You…

So, why do you want to get married? How do you plan to keep the love in your relationship from fading into a day-to-day grime of daily chores? Given the

Dolapo Oni

This website is a labour of love for women who want to invest time praying for their marriages, love wealth, health, kids, careers etc. The blog started 10 years ago, at that time I wasn’t even aware of what blogging was. It was really the desire of my heart for women all over the world to connect with God during their single years and dedicate time to seeking him for their future! Since then it’s grown a lot! And now I’m married with a gorgeous husband, 2 lovely children and honestly grateful for Gods overwhelming love in our home. Over the next 30 days, use these prayers as a guide to rewrite your own story and look forward to the wonderful life he has for you!

My sincere prayer and heartfelt hope is that as you’ve landed here, your life will be transformed. He will rewrite your marriage story and bring you to your place of fulfilment.


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